Desde siempre el cuidado de la imagen de nuestras instalaciones se ha convertido en un factor importante y demandado por nuestros clientes. Ahora más que nunca nuestro departamento de diseño se pone al servicio de la integración estética de nuestros elementos electrónicos.
Always the care for the looks of our installations have been an important issue demanded by our customers. Now more than ever, our design department is at the service of the aesthetic integration of our electronic devices.
Always the care for the looks of our installations have been an important issue demanded by our customers. Now more than ever, our design department is at the service of the aesthetic integration of our electronic devices.
Que duda cabe que gracias a los distintos sistemas audio – video nuestros clientes pueden disfrutar en sus casas viendo una película con la mejor calidad o escuchando música con un sonido excelente, pero no por ello tienen que renunciar a un ambiente visualmente agradable.
There's no doubt that thanks to the different audio-video systems our customers can enjoy in their homes watching a movie with the best quality or listening to music with an excellent sound quality, but this doesn't mean that they have to renounce a visually pleasant atmosphere.
There's no doubt that thanks to the different audio-video systems our customers can enjoy in their homes watching a movie with the best quality or listening to music with an excellent sound quality, but this doesn't mean that they have to renounce a visually pleasant atmosphere.
Dentro de las distintas soluciones con las que contamos para ocultar los elementos electrónicos se encuentran los muebles exclusivos fabricados a medida, con las características necesarias y acordes con la decoración de la vivienda.
Among the different solutions that we have to hide the electronic devices we can find exclusive customized furniture, with the necessary characteristics and matching the decoration of the house.
Among the different solutions that we have to hide the electronic devices we can find exclusive customized furniture, with the necessary characteristics and matching the decoration of the house.
En el ejemplo que ponemos a continuación hemos hecho un diseño detallado en consonancia con el estilo moderno de una vivienda situada en Los Naranjos, Nueva Andalucía.
In the following example we have done a detailed design in line with the modern style of a house placed in Los Naranjos, Nueva Andalucía.
In the following example we have done a detailed design in line with the modern style of a house placed in Los Naranjos, Nueva Andalucía.
Se trata de un diseño lineal y visualmente muy ligero y elegante, gracias a que hemos respetado la gama cromática utilizada en los revestimientos. En este caso en concreto y por necesidades de espacio la parte trasera del mueble queda embutida en la pared, ganando de ese modo unas decenas de centímetros. Gracias a este retroceso del mueble el espacio no queda invadido por un objeto de grandes dimensiones que entorpece el tránsito.
It is a linear design, visually light and elegant, because we have respected the color range used in the coatings. In this particular case, due to space requirements, the rear of the cabinet is embedded in the wall, thereby gaining a few tens of centimeters. Thanks to this decline in the furniture the space is not invaded by a large object that obstructs transit.
It is a linear design, visually light and elegant, because we have respected the color range used in the coatings. In this particular case, due to space requirements, the rear of the cabinet is embedded in the wall, thereby gaining a few tens of centimeters. Thanks to this decline in the furniture the space is not invaded by a large object that obstructs transit.
Al ser el mueble y la televisión dos elementos grandes hemos intentado que parezcan poco pesados. Para ello hemos colocado debajo del mueble un lineal de luz, que difumina la sombra en la pared y hace que parezca que esté flotando en lugar de apoyado. Para conseguir un efecto parecido en la parte de arriba hemos fabricado un nicho para colocar la televisión. En este caso el lineal de luz se sitúa en el perímetro dirigido hacia el centro de la televisión.
As both the cabinet and the TV are big elements we have tried to make them look lighter. For this purpose we have placed a linear light under the cabinet, which blurs the shadow on the wall and makes it look like it is floating rather than supported. To achieve a similar effect on the upper area we have made a niche to place the TV. In this case the linear light is situated at the perimeter directed towards the center of the television.
As both the cabinet and the TV are big elements we have tried to make them look lighter. For this purpose we have placed a linear light under the cabinet, which blurs the shadow on the wall and makes it look like it is floating rather than supported. To achieve a similar effect on the upper area we have made a niche to place the TV. In this case the linear light is situated at the perimeter directed towards the center of the television.
Los altavoces de pie, del fabricante escocés Linn, en color Walnut marcan el espacio y completan con su esbeltez la composición.
The floor standing loudspeakers in walnut, by the Scottish brand Linn, mark the space and they complete the composition with their slenderness.
The floor standing loudspeakers in walnut, by the Scottish brand Linn, mark the space and they complete the composition with their slenderness.
En esta vivienda también hemos hecho el proyecto de iluminación. Como detalle del mismo podemos ver los pequeños bañadores de luz cálida sobre los escalones y los spots empotrados en el techo que hacen destacar a los altavoces. Por último la moderna lámpara de diseño le confiere al proyecto un toque especial.
In this house we have also done the lighting project. As an example we can see the small wallwashers with warm white light on the steps and the in-ceiling spots that highlight the speakers. Finally the modern lamp gives the project a special touch.
In this house we have also done the lighting project. As an example we can see the small wallwashers with warm white light on the steps and the in-ceiling spots that highlight the speakers. Finally the modern lamp gives the project a special touch.